Additional Information about Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow Filter Unit, 250 mL (168-0045) US/EU/UK
Manufacturing Impact Reduction
The manufacturing facility where the Thermo Fisher products are produced have implemented energy reduction measures within the last 5 years, including installation of LED lighting, among other measures.
Renewable Energy Use
No renewable energy is used at the Thermo Scientific manufacturing facility where the Thermo Scientific product is manufactured.
Responsible Chemical Management
The score of 1 in this category reflects proof of an Environmental Health and Safety program, and verification that the Thermo Scientific products do not contain CMRs, PBTs, GHS Category 1 Hazards, GS BM-1 chemicals, GS LT-1 chemicals, or red list chemicals at or above 5% by weight.
Shipping Impact
Product Content
The Thermo Scientific products do not contain any sustainable content.
Packaging Content
The cartons used to package Thermo Scientific products contain recycled content resulting in over 50% by weight of recycled content in the packaging materials overall.
Energy Consumption
*Energy is consumed during the use of this product in order to create a vacuum, however the amount of energy consumed when the product is in use is very small. Note that the amount of energy used to create the vacuum will depend on the type of vacuum being used. The assumption for this category is that the vacuum is turned off once the product has been used.
Water Consumption
Thermo Scientific product(s) do not consume water during their use phase.
Lifetime Rating
The Thermo Scientific products are a disposable product with a short use-phase.
Packaging End-of-Life
The Thermo Scientific products' packaging materials include corrugated cartons, paper inserts, and low-density polyethlene (LDPE) bags. The paper and cardboard packaging materials are readily recyclable in the US, EU and UK markets. In the US, the LDPE bag are recyclable but the infrastructure is not readily available. In the EU and UK, the LDPE bags are either sent to a waste-to-energy facility or are recycled, depending on the specific market. Further, Thermo Scientific provides its customers with instructions on how to properly dispose of the packaging materials at their end-of-life.
Product End-of-Life
The Thermo Scientific products are autoclaved and disposed of at end of life. In the EU and the UK, this plastic material may be diverted from the general waste stream and either recycled or incinerated/sent to waste-to-energy.
The manufacturing facility where the Thermo Fisher products are produced have implemented energy reduction measures within the last 5 years, including installation of LED lighting, among other measures.
Renewable Energy Use
No renewable energy is used at the Thermo Scientific manufacturing facility where the Thermo Scientific product is manufactured.
Responsible Chemical Management
The score of 1 in this category reflects proof of an Environmental Health and Safety program, and verification that the Thermo Scientific products do not contain CMRs, PBTs, GHS Category 1 Hazards, GS BM-1 chemicals, GS LT-1 chemicals, or red list chemicals at or above 5% by weight.
Shipping Impact
Product Content
The Thermo Scientific products do not contain any sustainable content.
Packaging Content
The cartons used to package Thermo Scientific products contain recycled content resulting in over 50% by weight of recycled content in the packaging materials overall.
Energy Consumption
*Energy is consumed during the use of this product in order to create a vacuum, however the amount of energy consumed when the product is in use is very small. Note that the amount of energy used to create the vacuum will depend on the type of vacuum being used. The assumption for this category is that the vacuum is turned off once the product has been used.
Water Consumption
Thermo Scientific product(s) do not consume water during their use phase.
Lifetime Rating
The Thermo Scientific products are a disposable product with a short use-phase.
Packaging End-of-Life
The Thermo Scientific products' packaging materials include corrugated cartons, paper inserts, and low-density polyethlene (LDPE) bags. The paper and cardboard packaging materials are readily recyclable in the US, EU and UK markets. In the US, the LDPE bag are recyclable but the infrastructure is not readily available. In the EU and UK, the LDPE bags are either sent to a waste-to-energy facility or are recycled, depending on the specific market. Further, Thermo Scientific provides its customers with instructions on how to properly dispose of the packaging materials at their end-of-life.
Product End-of-Life
The Thermo Scientific products are autoclaved and disposed of at end of life. In the EU and the UK, this plastic material may be diverted from the general waste stream and either recycled or incinerated/sent to waste-to-energy.